Unlocking success: The power of critical thinking in the group facilitation, coaching and team meetings
by Mihail Pricop
The absence of a unique and coordinated effort to adapt the promoting of the old philosophical principle to the present need of the people has inspired me to come up with a possible viable solution that I present for your further consideration. I propose two main ideas as the objectives of the paper that, later on, the reader can evaluate which is the best approach to maximize the usage of philosophical services and consulting for the general public. The first idea is to present the impact of mixt approaches between critical thinking and group coaching or group facilitating and the second idea is to target the companies as priority clients and their providers as secondary clients. I present three conflicts, five perspectives and two instruments that can be enhanced by elements of critical thinking in order to achieve the objectives above.
What is the utility of philosophical skills in other fields and how should we promote philosophical practice so that philosophy can return to the people in the agora. What I propose is to focus on a bigger market - the profitable companies around us that could provide a big steady source of income - and to look at the other suppliers of services as therapy, coaching, training as partners and not as competitors. These suppliers could and should also become our paying clients and we should work with all of them and not compete against them for some individual residual clients. The practical applications from using philosophical skills in other fields are: controlling emotions using elements of critical thinking, facilitating or managing groups using philosophical counseling principles, increasing communication skills using elements of critical thinking skills, increasing coaching methods using elements of critical thinking skills and facilitating better meetings using elements of critical thinking. It doesn’t matter who was first - Philosophical Practice, critical thinking or coaching, mentoring, therapy or any other. We all know that philosophy was the root of all scientific branches that exist in our days. What really matters is whether all of these approaches can help each other grow and change people’s lives and the way they think about themselves and the world.