Issue 12
Vol. 4 No. 12 (2024)State of contents
Philosophical counselling as a tool for strengthening personal resilience: an exploratory study
- Rotem Waitzman pag. 1-18
Proposal for an existential therapy based on the awareness of death and self-creation
- Dragoș Sorin Păian pag. 19-41
Bridging empathy and altruism: An academic exploration of Gilligan's philosophy and the science of compassion - Ana Bălan pag. 42-48
How can psychoanalysis help philosophical counselling - Robert Orgovan pag. 49-66
The Role of Epistemic Values in Philosophical Counselling - Laurentiu Staicu pag. 67-80
Issue 11
Vol. 4 No. 11 (2024)State of contents
Can philosophical counseling be a special profession to be recognized in Romanian society - Vasile Hațegan pag. 1-23
Efficacy of mindfulness-based Taoist embodiment group therapy on depression, anxiety and stress in an integrated community mental health service in Hong Kong: a preliminary exploration - Chow Chui Yin pag. 24-47
The Interplay of Existentialism and Socratic Wisdom in Philosophical Counselling - Laura David pag. 48-62
The Migrant seen as a Philosophical Wanderer: Real Perceptions, Ideals and Fantasies on Foreignness - Philosophical Counselling for Migrants - Ana Tofan pag. 63-72
A thousand converging paths to self-observation and self-discovery: science, spirituality and philosophical practice - Zoltán Kabai pag. 73-89
Bridging film education and philosophical practice: enhancing critical thinking and ethical reflection in young audiences - Andrea Reisz pag. 90-103
Issue 10
Vol. 4 No. 10 (2024)State of contents
Teleological links between Philosophical Counselling and Logotherapy - Luka Janeš pag. 1-13
Religious Figures as Philosophers - Kathryn Elizabeth Cook, Pierre Varache pag. 13-49
Using the P4C method with adults to understand its benefits and impact - Aarohi Mhatre pag. 50-67
Unlocking success: The power of critical thinking in the group facilitation,
coaching and team meetings - Mihail Pricop pag. 68-77
Issue 9 (Dedicated to the ICPP2023)
Vol. 3 No. 9 (2023)State of contents
The philosophical questions of the counselees - Ora Gruengard pag. 1-16
Philosophical meditation in the West - Patrizia Cipoletta pag. 17- 31
Some Lessons from Alcibiades 1 and Plato’s Seventh Letter for Philosophical Practitioners
- Patricia Anne Murphy pag. 32-39
Philosophy in the City, a project in Mexico City Practice - Esther Charabati pag. 40-45
The Method and Process of the Philosophical Café: Workshop Analysis - Adriana Vlaicu pag. 46-57
Ancient shamanic emotional healing techniques and today’s philosophical counseling-
- Daniela Stănciulescu pag. 58-75
Anthrozoology and Philosophical Practice - Liberta Csonka pag. 76-85
The Influence of the Daimōn in Ancient Philosophy upon Contemporary Psychology
- Adina Bezerita pag. 86-108
From experimental philosophy to philosophical practice, via feminist: the use of subjects’ intuitions in empirical research and philosophical counseling - Salem Samih pag.109-123
Issue 8 (Dedicated to the ICPP2023)
Vol. 3 No. 8 (2023)State of contents
Philosophy in Practice: where we are now, where we could go - Patrizia F. Salvaterra pag. 1-25
Transformative Environmental Philosophy in a Learning Organization for children, teachers,
and parents - Maria Papathanasiou pag. 26-42
Transformative Philosophy - Lydia Amir pag. 43-57
The garden is the new café: Vegetal metaphysics and community philosophy - László Nemes pag. 58-70
The Philosophical Consciousness. The Examination of inner experiences
and their practical affirmation - Henrieta Șerban pag. 70-87
Ancient Philosophy in the Present - Adina Bezerita pag. 88-99
Askēsis and the seriousness of playing philosophically - Anca-Cornelia Tiurean pag. 100-120
Human Rights, Racism and Migration: A philosophical approach - Georgiadis Dimitris pag. 121-135
A sampling of philosophical counseling frameworks, tools, and practices - Rick Repetti pag. 136-195
Issue 7
Vol. 3 No. 7 (2023)State of contents
Against the (main) stream: feminist thinkers and the philosophical canon - Ana Bălan pag. 1-12
Gender equality normative and applied ethics in global automotive suppliers companies
- Angelica Laura Marcu pag. 13-27
Ontological Vertigo: a natural state - Kathryn Elizabeth Cook / Eric Hamm pag. 28-40
Eco-philosophy for children: a philosophical approach that reconciles us with nature
- Alis Stratan pag. 41-51
Issue 6
Vol. 2 No. 6 (2022)State of contents
The P4C approach as a promoter of dialogical creative thinking based on the teachers' perception - Mahmoud Zoabi, Florin Lobont pag. 1-26
The relationship between philosophical and psychological counselling: where do we stand? - Alina Dalcu pag. 27-52
Philosophy for Children and respect as a value in preschool education - Yael Dafna Talias pag. 53-63
The teachers' perception of the factors that promote the cultivation of creative thinking - Mahmoud Zoabi pag. 64-98
Special Issue
Vol. 2 No. 5 (2022)International Declaration for Cooperation, Peace and Philosophy (English version) pag. 1-20
Issue 4
Vol. 2 No. 4 (2022)State of contents
Philosophical practice with corporal actions - David Sumiacher pp. 1-16
Philosophical counseling: a new profession in Romania - Vasile Hategan pp. 17-27
The Metaphorical Load of Philosophical Consultations in Psychotherapy
- Anca-Cornelia Tiurean pp. 28-42
Women’s Circles and Philosophical Practice - Ramona Todor pp. 43-60
Issue 3
Vol. 1 No. 3 (2021)State of contents
Ethical Problems in Business Contexts and Philosophical Practice as a Way of Dealing with Them
- André Almeida pp. 1-13
Pretext of Friendship. Introduction to Philosophical Counseling - Annalisa Rossi pp. 14-29
The impact of digitalization on the leisure time of today’s youth - Elena Salganova,
Liydmila Belova, Natalia Gafner pp. 30-47
The Role of Philosophical Counselling in Alleviating Alienation - Adriana Vlaicu pp. 48-60
Challenges regarding the educational journeys of Israeli teenagers to Poland.
Can P4C help teachers tackle them? - Dorit Barak pp. 61-74
Corporal Action and Philodrama in Philosophical Pract - Mike Roth, David Sumiacher pp. 75-79
Tomorrow in the Outer Space Remember the Dreaming - Ilinca Stroe pp. 80-93
Issue 2
Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021)State of contents
No Mind is an Island. On ‘mental illness’ and the reciprocity of minds - Peter Raabe pp. 1-21
Philosophical practice at the crossroads: the road to professionalism - Vasile Hategan pp. 22-27
The Denial of Death in Technological Culturalism: The Drive To Be A Modern Hero
- Andrew Keltner pp. 28-36
Ethics and business: impact in the field of accounting profession - Georgiana Tircovnicu pp. 37-45
Can Self-Love be cultivated through Phronesis? - Valeria Chiorescu pp. 46-63
Issue 1
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021)State of contents
Philosophical practice: Interdisciplinary links with other fields - Vasile Hațegan pp. 1-8
The Language Game of Europe: Politics, Identity and the Divided - Aleksandar Fatic pp. 9-20
On the professionalization of philosophical counselling in a world dominated by the pandemic crisis - Florin Lobonț pp. 21-27
Philosophical Couseling and Linoliness: An Interdisciplinary Approach - Ben Mijuskovic pp. 28-37
Experiential Philosophical Practice - José Barrientos Rastrojo pp. 38-40
Practicing philosophical counselling with teams in corporate environment - Camelia Corin pp. 41-50
Philosophical Café: A philosophical dialogue and/or therapy? Marina Katinić & Luka Janeš pp. 51-62