How can psychoanalysis help philosophical counselling
by Robert Orgovan
The paper propose that philosophical counselling can benefit from psychoanalysis, especially when it comes to the methods of analysis. I focus here on Lacanian psychoanalysis, it being the closest to philosophical counselling methods. In the first part of the paper, I show the main tools this type of psychoanalysis uses, namely, I explore the three Lacanian registers, after which I introduce the concepts of object petite a, Jouissance and the gaze. All these culminate with a discussion about anxiety, its relevance being in the fact that most of the people which come to therapy deal in some way with it. In next part I state my case about the relevance of psychoanalysis for philosophical counselling, most importantly showing that psychoanalysis is made first of all for the analyst, after which the client/patient can benefit also from it. In this case, one of the reasons are psychoanalysis helps the analyst not to put its own problems and traumas (which are most usually done in indirect and unintentional ways) on the patient/client.